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Neptune: This planet represents unconditional love, illusions, and delusions. Depending on where Neptune is placed in our horoscope, we tend to unconditionally love without any logic or reasoning; even if the things related to that house might hurt us, we still fall without any safety net. Neptune represents our mystical, mysterious, and inspirational dreams. It is our vision of a perfect world which does not exist. This is why Neptune is malefic; it sidetracks us from logic and reasoning.

Neptune does not control any sign. In other words, it doesn't have lordship over any zodiac sign in the sky. Many western astrology lovers would say Pisces is controlled by Neptune, but if you read the roots of original astrology, you would have a different perspective. Jupiter is the only controller of Pisces. Neptune, however, feels very comfortable in Pisces as well.  Neptune in a way is exalted in Pisces, even though there really isn't any exaltation and debilitation point for Neptune or Uranus. Pisces is a mirror image of Neptune, which shows imagination, dreams, unconditional love, and spirituality. When we judge Neptune, we should look at the sign placement and house placement to determine the impact it has in our birth chart.

Neptune + Rahu conjunction:

This conjunction can produce a brilliant science fiction author, film director, or any kind of a story teller. These two realms of space, mystery, and unusual places can take the author's imagination into place where not too many minds have been before. If the Moon is with this conjunction, it can also create a schizophrenic person. 

rest of the conjunctions are are available HERE